SIAPESQ is a Startup developed in the technological park of the Federal University of Rio Grande, OCEANTEC, which optimizes decision-making in fishing activities, indicating to fishermen areas with the highest probability of capturing the target species based on their environmental preferences and satellite data acquisition on real time, reducing the need for navigation in operations and reducing gas emission by at least 50%. In addition to the greater profit generated by the expansion of production, companies will be valuing their product for being allied with the 13th UN SDG, which proposes actions to mitigate the climate crisis. We use databases obtained from several environmental preservation entities in our technological base, with the objective of preserving life in the oceans! We will be keeping fishermen away from large populations of whales, turtles, dolphins and other protected species, allowing fishing industries to reduce by-catch and preserve life in the oceans throughout.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Energy - climate change
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Hello, welcome to 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2021! Thanks for participating and helping humanity solve one of the four survival challenges in one generation. Share your proposal with everybody and get as many votes as you can. Remember you have until September 8 to edit your information.
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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