Green Strategy For Water

Our team promotes Integrated Water Resource Management and the Sustainable Use of Renewable Energy Sources to create sustainable development conditions, and conserve natural resources for future generations. We have designed an installation recently patented which percolates water into the ground, then water travels under the surface because we know that ground is a natural storage system that could accommodate a huge volume of water. The water percolates by itself until the intake and the operation is by gravity. This kind of infrastructure in rural communities is very accessible because do not use pumping and maintenance because silting is not needed. We have to change the way we get water, we need to conserve it before extraction, sustainable water security will not be achieved through business-as-usual approaches. We also know If communities get involved in value chains due to water, they will understand the value of their watershed.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Additional comments: -Clarify further the revenue streams - it wasn't clear whether the revenue comes from services provided (e.g. analysis, design, and installation) and if you're considering selling the technology to percolate water for others to install it (if others install it, are they any risks of others not installing it properly which could affect the image of GS4W). -Finally, a quick comment in terms of language in the video. At the beginning it says that water is "lost" due to evapotranspiration, which makes this natural process sound negative. Given the role the business has of educating others about the issues is resolving, it might be better to use more neutral language like "water evaporates" due to sunlight and plants transpiration.
hace 3 años
Congratulations for your work. Please see some comments below. I wish you all the best. -Need to clarify further the target market. It seems that rural communities are the main target, if so, I'd suggest that the response to the question about users is the # of communities, and then add to that the population within those communities. In addition, it wasn't clear whether the communities privately are the ones covering the costs or if it's an NGO or local government. This will also change if the target market includes companies as the benefit of water will be less directly linked to the community. -Even though the technology to percolate water is low maintenance, there'll still be some wear and tear. In this case, it'll be good to clarify how the business will handle replacement or repair when needed.
hace 3 años
This is a real solution working with nature to solve humankind's needs about water.
hace 3 años
Such an amazing project!!
hace 3 años
Definitely best team to work with! Great project!!
hace 3 años
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hace 3 años

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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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