FreshWater Solutions

FreshWater is a technological innovation initiative, with social, environmental and economic impact, to deliver quality water from the “Water from Air” technology, to homes and communities that do not have access to quality water for drinking and / or cooking, even for washing the hygienically hands, especially in this pandemic, with the purpose of improving the quality of life, health and ability of homes, schools, kindergarten, medical offices, community kitchens, among others. delivering a sustainable water point, coming from an alternative source of renewable water, AIR. Promoting a collaborative work between start-ups, companies, civil organizations, NGOs and the government, which allows the landing of technological innovation to communities in a vulnerable context. Promoting Sustainable Development Goals: SGD3, SGD4, SGD6, SGD10, SGD11, SGD13, SGD17. #for a better Chile.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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5. What is your ask? What type of investment and/or support are you seeking? What is the timeline of your international expansion? Which markets are you seeking to enter first and why? What is your goal for Chile domestic expansion? What does success look like for the market (i.e. what target are you aiming for locally and globally)?
hace 3 años
4. How much does 1 unit cost? If I invested $2m how many will that buy? How many households could that reach? How much freshwater could be generated?
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3. Volume generation - 5L and 5KL mentioned, over what period of time would this be? 24hrs? Understand that the climate conditions depend, recommend to outline in the pitch deck example locations so people can picture the where and what considerations. For example over 24hrs or 1 week in summer and winter compared in Santiago/Metropolitan Region vs Tarapaca vs Aysen. What are comparison international areas/cities with these climates? This is helpful get an immediate relatable understanding of the potential applications.
hace 3 años
2. What is the end of life management of each component of the unit? Can it be repurposed/reused? How to ensure it does not go to landfill?
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1. What is a durability of each unit/machine? How long does one last? What are the maintenance requirements? When will it need to be replaced? What is that process? Is it a leased unit or purchased out right? Who is responsible for the maintenance and replacement etc?
hace 3 años
Congratulations on this important and well delivered solution! I am keen to introduce you to investors and corporate partners who may be able to accelerate your scale plan. Some questions that would help in providing the concise proof points for their decision making:
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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