Erandi Aprende

Erandi Aprende is an online e-learning platform designed to provide personalized STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education programs, tools, and resources focused on awakening interest for science and technology. Learning is guided by our avatar and artificial intelligence Erandi, a young inventor with the ability to use technology to solve everyday problems and understand that science is present in everything she does.Our goal is to make science and technology accessible to all girls without leaving behind boys, and to make them aware that these subjects are not only present everywhere, but they represent the future of work. By using our platform, users gain confidence in STEM-related topics and can perceive themselves as actors of change.This is linked with our vision: empower girls and boys to become the next generation of STEMists; thus, managing to address systemic gender roles and fight them, as these continue to be the main obstacle to closing the gender gap.
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Hola, soy Alexandra del equipo de Socialab. ¡Bienvenidos al Desafío Play! Muchas gracias por tu postulación. ¡Saludos!
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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