DoctorDrone and UberDrone

How to diminish social contact when people in cities need to buy basic need element such as food or medicines?, DOCTOR DRONES:Doctor Drones, are Doctors located in long distance that can check patients through the window and talk with them such as the police is doing right now in space using drones and voice devices...UBER DRONESSpecially designed for people diagnosed UberDrones deliver food without touching it, robots will deliver food operated remotely by humans.This helps to avoid the problem of vectors carrying the virus, in my opinion the delivery and logistic people are highly exposedDrone Education:Virtual course to teach how to drive drones... standardize model of drones that can take a carry up to 2 kg.
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Hi Who knows how to adapt Drones to deliver medicines and food to people in high risk or ill?...who can help to protect doctors to avoid direct contact with google gauges and drones to fly to interact with patients through windows?...UberDrones and DoctorDrones are just for you!, thank you for your participation in this idea, take a look to Spain: that are already using drones to clean streets and to talk to people in apartments through windows saying "stay home"...thank you for your participation!
hace 4 años

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