SAKALA action to reduce climate effects

The Jaden Tap Tap is also a living classroom, providing youth with a safe, positive environment in which to learn the basics of agroecology, agroforestry, nutrition, and to develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Waste recycling and composting are also important elements of the program. SAKALA has a community Eco-San toilet and leads community-wide workshops on recycling, composting, as well as planting trees and gardening. Int the Jaden Tap Tap, children are trained to garden as a business. Months ago, they launched a “Moringa the Miracle Tree” campaign which encouraged neighbors to grow and use the tree. Every week, children hold Fridays of the Earth where they water plants, afforest, nurture plant nurseries and learn about the effects of climate change.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto o idea? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
Haiti is the 4th country most affected and vulnerable to climate change with tropical storms and hurricanes causing the most severe climate-related shocks. The severe human development deficits of Haiti compared to other countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region makes its population more vulnerable and the impacts more severe. There is an urgent need to strengthen climate resilience, environmental sustainability and disaster preparedness among the vulnerable communities in Haiti.
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Turn rubber into brightly coloured tire gardens
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13. Climate Actiona
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