Uru Uru Team

Implement circular economy and environmental education on our community project to mitigate the mining and plastic contamination of our ancestral Uru Uru lake, a source of life for our indigenous community, fauna, and flora, as well as climate change effects. Wastewater and mining residual discharges in our lake. Then, our community women leaders directed a project of building rafts to hold native plants that absorb contaminants dissolved in contaminated water. Community gardens were implemented, aiming that the water cleaned by the plants irrigated to grow our communal gardens. So that gardens can give us resources for keeping the implementation and care of the rafts sustainable; this has been working amazingly. Nonetheless, we perceived that there is much more to do; composting organic trash, plastic waste classification, and more action from the circular economy could boost, catalyze and reach our objective faster; to save our lake, our communities, fauna, and flora existence.

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