Jeunesse face au changement Climatique

le projet" La jeunesse face au changement climatique " vise a sensibiliser et former cinquante(50) jeunes de notre association ages de quinze (15) a dix neuf ans (19), au tour d'une action communautaire pendant cinq(5) jour, sur les mefaits du changement climatique comme etant une violation des droits a la vie humaine . ce programme vient a l'existance a partir d'une base des collectes des donnees recuellies au pres de ces jeunes dans la localite de Gressier sur la participation et l'engagement a la lutte contre le changement climatique . A travers ce projet on au aura trois rencontre de discussions sur la problematique du changement climatique comme etant un droit viole par la constitution haitienne qui durera 3heures de temps a chaque rencontre et une demi-journee de plantation de trois(300) arbres frutiers et forestier aupres de source d'eau qui est entrain de tarir a Merger, saintillus. Apres on fera un comite de vigilance compose de cinq personnes pour le suivie
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hace 3 años
Another important thing to focus on will be explaining the connection between the three themes of the project: 1) human rights, 2) water resource management and 3) deforestation/reforestation. Make sure you are explaining really well how these three things are related to climate change and how exactly your project addresses each of them in a way that will create positive impact. What you have expressed already is very good - keep working on it and moving forward!! Felisitasyon!
hace 3 años
(Mwen pral reponn ann angle paske mwen te li tèks original yo tradui ann angle. I am going to write in English, having read the answers to the questionnaire translated from French to English.) This is a fantastic idea, and it is very inspiring to see it being implemented already with successful results. Congratulations on empowering youth to educate their peers to be actors and change agents in an important issue such as climate change. Because the focus of the proposal is in expanding the implementation of an idea that has already had proven success (reforestation and building consciousness) I would encourage you in the workshop stage to focus on developing a detailed budget of the costs to continue implementing your idea. I would also suggest developing a basic timeline to describe how exactly you will implement the project within 30-45 days. I really like your focus on the core team as implementers of the project - keep highlighting this! Si nou gen nenpòt kesyon kite'm konnen!
hace 3 años
hace 3 años
Videyo sa a se yon egzanp nan materyèl edikatif n'ap itilize pou fè sansibilizasyon pou jèn yo nan?
hace 3 años
Je suis vraiment heureux de collaborer avec vous. Merci!
hace 3 años
Se yon plezi pou mwen travay avè nou!!
hace 3 años

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Laboratorio de Innovación

Soluciones para mitigar los efectos del cambio climático y el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia en Haití.

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