
Bejob was born out of our commitment to offer the best online learning and training experience.Supported by Santillana, a leading company in Spain and Latin America in terms of educational content creation, BeJob is synonymous to quality and innovation in the development of educational technology, and it is, with Mexico, coming to the forefront in America because of its great potential.To fuel differentiated instructions, respond to the true needs of the job market, and offer official certification are the values behind BeJob.With the educational sector in mind, BeJob has created BejobEduca.BejobEduca offers the educational sector the unique opportunity to teach new ways of doing things, bringing today's teachers and students together and allowing for training for the future.

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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