Linkup_ Mobile App Events Initiative

Linkup_ is a platform where social clubs & upcoming artists cab highlight their activities in a more affordable manner to engage a wider cross-section of their intended market. It is also a way of getting foreigners a central source of information so that they can better experience the culture and social atmosphere of a new country.
The app shows locations and provides a map which can be used by both visitors and locals to find places and events that they have never been to. It provides information about venues so that the owners can showcase their business. Its push notifications keeps the users informed all that time about activities taking place so users always know what is going on and the latest activities.
Nombre de la organización
Página web de la organización
Tipo de organización
Private Sector
Galería de imagenes

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Subvenciones Frida 2016

Financiando proyectos innovadores que exploren el potencial de las TICs para el desarrollo.

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